Family Law
Our Family Department provides a holistic approach towards the many concerns that can arise when a relationship comes to an end.
Divorce and Separation
We understand how difficult the breakdown of a marriage can be and we will support you through this, discussing with you the new “no fault divorce” process, as well as alternative courses of action, such as a separation agreement or a judicial separation. We will then guide you through whichever course you decide to take, and assist you in the preparation of the necessary documentation.
Financial Settlements
Separation or divorce often requires the settlement of financial matters – we will guide you through the issues that need to be tackled. You will doubtless have many questions that are causing you concern, such as what is going to happen to the house? What about pensions? Should there be a division of savings? What about the payment of maintenance?
We will do our best to answer these questions and to assist you in reaching a financial settlement. Whenever possible, this will be achieved on an amicable basis, through negotiation. When appropriate, we will advise you on alternative methods of resolving these issues, such as mediation and the collaborative approach. If a settlement cannot be achieved then we have experience of court proceedings and can guide you through the complexities of the court process.
By consulting with our specialists, you can get the best advice on the law as it applies to your children. We can advise both parents and grandparents on issues of residence (custody) and contact (access), and help you with other matters such as prohibited steps orders and specific issue orders. Our experts recognise the importance of understanding children’s needs and addressing what is in their best interests.
Pre-nuptial Agreements
If you are thinking of getting married, we can help you to draw up a pre-nuptial agreement. If you are not currently planning to get married but intend to live with your partner then we can assist you with drawing up a co-habitation agreement.
The Unmarried Couple
Different legal principles apply to unmarried couples who go through a relationship break up. If you own property or other assets, or there are children involved, we can advise you on the best way to proceed.
Whatever your individual requirements, we can provide a bespoke service tailored to your needs. Many of our services are conducted on a fixed-fee basis and a budget can be agreed in advance if you prefer.
Our Family Department conducts an initial 30-minute consultation at no cost for a preliminary discussion. To arrange an appointment please contact one of the team.