Call our IIkley office on
01943 601173

RDC Solicitors - Keeping You Safe

At RDC Solicitors it is business as usual but we have made a few important changes to keep our clients and team safe and follow the safety guidelines.

Our team will continue to work predominantly from home so that we can continue to provide them with the safest environment possible. However, there will now be a presence in the office on most working days between 9.00am and 5.00pm.   We can arrange meetings in person, if required, however we do still encourage these to be online or by telephone wherever possible.  You will also be able to deliver or collect paperwork but this will need to be by prior arrangement with us.
If you are visiting our offices please observe the following:- 
•   Please don't just call in to see someone. You must ensure that you phone in advance and book an appointment. Meetings cannot take place without prior arrangement
•    As we are trying to schedule meetings at staggered times, please arrive at the agreed time
•   In accordance with Government guidance, all visitors will be required to wear a face mask or suitable face covering when entering our offices and during the time you spend with us until you leave our office (unless you are exempt from wearing a face covering under the Government guidelines).  We ask that you please ensure you bring a face mask or suitable face covering with you.  If you have any concerns regarding this, please advise us when arranging your appointment.
•    On arrival you will be asked to use the hand sanitiser and shown directly to your meeting room
•    There will be no waiting in reception
•    Please keep to social distancing, 2 metres apart
•    We are currently unable to offer you drinks or refreshments, but you are welcome to bring your own
•    Additional hand sanitisers have been placed around the building to use regularly
•    We will email you once an appointment is booked to remind you of this information and confirm the time and date of the meeting
•    Please note we will retain records of our visitors to the office in the event of an outbreak of the virus.  If you have any concerns regarding this, please speak to the person handling your matter.
•    These measures may be subject to change, in accordance with any further guidance set out by the Government, Public Health organisations or Local Authorities.

Please do not come to the office if you or someone you live with has any of the following:  a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; or, a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste.

Keep safe and if you have any questions about your visit, please call us 

Bingley Office 01274 723858

Ilkley Office 01943 601173

Bradford Office 01274 735511

RDC Solicitors is a trading name of Read Dunn Connell Limited registered in England and Wales with Company Number 9559492.
Registered office: 30 Park Road, Bingley, Bradford BD16 4JD. We are solicitors practising in England and Wales, authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. SRA Number 622886. A copy of the SRA Standards and Regulations can be found at VAT No: 708421255.

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