Will you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year?
The countdown is on!
We are now entering the festive season. We are being bombarded with Christmas advertising on the television, our City Centres are illuminated with fairy lights and our children are focused on preparing their lists for Father Christmas.
Christmas is usually a very special time. It is wonderful to catch up with family and friends, to exchange gifts, to drink and eat to excess and to see the joy on the faces of our children as they open their presents. However it is also fair to say that the festive season brings with it many stresses and strains for the family. Not only is there an increased financial burden but also family gatherings can themselves create stress. Excessive alcohol intake can lead to unwise behaviour. These are just some of the factors that can result in couple’s relationships finally breaking down.
We at RDC Solicitors find that new instructions can often double in January. There may be many reasons for this. In our experience the strain of couples spending time together over what can often be an extended holiday period can put added pressure upon a relationship. Sometimes a couple will defer any final plans to separate or take proceedings until the New Year.
It is so important that the correct legal advice is sought at an early stage. We at RDC Solicitors have experience in Family Law. We offer compassionate, no nonsense advice in a jargon free way. This can involve divorce or separation, issues concerning residence and/or contact to your children and financial arrangements arising from the breakdown of your relationship.
If you feel that we can assist, either email or call Judith Fitzpatrick for a free initial consultation. Email – judith@rdcsolicitors.co.uk or telephone 01274 723858